🪙rPRSM: Pioneering Leveraged Investment on IOTA EVM

What makes rPRSM special

Most important facts

The rPRSM token is set to revolutionize the IOTA EVM network as the first token designed specifically for leveraging and hedging investments. Serving as the cornerstone of the PRSM platform, rPRSM enables users to amplify their returns and manage risks through innovative financial mechanisms. This chapter elucidates the fundamental features of rPRSM and its commitment to community involvement and equitable distribution.

  1. Total Supply The total supply of rPRSM tokens is capped at 12,000,000. This fixed supply is intended to ensure scarcity and long-term value, creating a stable foundation for the token’s economic ecosystem.

  2. Distribution One of the key principles of rPRSM is its commitment to fairness and inclusivity. To achieve this, 80% of the initial 12,000,000 rPRSM tokens will be distributed to the community via a fair launch. This approach eliminates any privileged pre-sales or allocations, allowing anyone to participate in the fair launch and secure as many tokens as they desire..

  3. Continuous Distribution The fairness extends beyond the initial distribution. The total rewards of the reflection will therefore not only be distributed to the actual rPRSM holders, but also to the LP holders, who will also receive additional xPRSM rewards for the time they have held the LP tokens.

  4. Leveraging and Hedging The core functionality of rPRSM lies in its ability to facilitate leveraging and hedging. By holding and staking rPRSM tokens on the PRSM platform, users can:

    • Open Long Positions: Amplify their potential gains during favorable market conditions.

    • Open Short Positions: Hedge against potential losses, managing their investment risks effectively.

    These features provide users with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of the financial markets, enabling both aggressive and cautious investment strategies.

  5. Dual-Token System

    The PRSM platform operates with a dual-token system, featuring both rPRSM and xPRSM tokens.

    • rPRSM Token: This is the primary token used for staking and engaging in leveraging and hedging mechanisms on the platform.

    • xPRSM Token: Distributed as a reward for staking rPRSM, xPRSM will eventually become the platform's governance token. It will enable users to participate in decision-making processes and shape the future of the platform. Additionally, xPRSM holders will gain access to VIP levels, unlocking further benefits and rewards.

  6. Community Governance rPRSM is designed to be community-driven and community-oriented. As part of our commitment to decentralization, potential adjustments to the platform’s mechanisms will be undertaken collaboratively with the rPRSM community. Community members will have the opportunity to voice their opinions and decide on any changes, ensuring transparency and collective decision-making.

In summary, rPRSM is poised to become a pioneering token on IOTA EVM network, offering unique leveraging and hedging mechanisms through the PRSM platform. The project is founded on principles of fairness, inclusivity, and community governance.

The path to a decentralized and community-driven financial ecosystem begins with rPRSM and its innovative approach to leveraged investment. By providing users with advanced financial tools and fostering a transparent, community-oriented environment, rPRSM aims to redefine the landscape of cryptocurrency investments.

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